This is not a recipe as much as it is just a bowl of oranges. 🙂 However, I wanted to share it because first it’s beautiful. But second because it’s so important to eat your fruits and vegetables. No matter the meal, I always offer a fruit and vegetable side option. It gets easier over time to do this, once it becomes a habit. For us it looks a lot like cucumber sticks and salt, roasted potatoes/brussel sprouts/broccoli, sautéed green beans, sliced strawberries, raspberry hats (where Elsie gets to put raspberries on her fingertips and then lick them off), garden salad, or a bowl of oranges. We ate these with lunch out on our deck last Saturday when it was 54 degrees and sunny. Ahhhh. I am so ready for spring. Anyways the medley of oranges came from Trader Joe’s and were a mixture of California oranges, cara cara oranges, and blood oranges (my absolute favorite). I cut the tops and bottoms off. Then use a sharp pairing knife and cut the peel off down the sides.


  • California oranges
  • Cara cara oranges
  • Blood oranges


  1. Cut the tops and bottoms off of the oranges.
  2. Then use a sharp pairing knife and cut the peel off down the sides, working your way around in a circle.
  3. Serve and enjoy.